Write an Apology Letters to a Friend

Posted by parimalonline On Saturday, March 23, 2013 0 comments

Friendship offers love, support, companionship and fun, but also offers an opportunity for growth and self-awareness. By operating at each other and push our hot buttons, we have two options: explore our problems, release limitations and evolve to a new level, or go to the resistance, closed, and end the friendship. Of course, there are times when it is in the best interest of both parties to move from the relationship. If it can be done with honesty and closing can be a healing experience. But when a friendship and when there is a crack that needs repair?

If you want to repair their friendship, a letter of apology might be the best place to start. If not cured of their relationship, at least give you closure. Here are some tips on getting started. Following Our Pinterest Profile

Express yourself freely. It can be difficult to know how to write a letter of apology - what to say, how to say it and so on. During analysis honesty can prevent flow freely. One way to start is to write a draft letter - one that is not going to send to your friend. Journalism in a notebook or on your computer, but left everything. Tap your emotions and express them freely. If you are angry, have a tantrum on paper. If you are sad, pour out your heart. Use this as a safe place to vent, judge, criticize, complain, complain, be needed, justify or whatever comes out of you. Then sit with it for a day or two and let it process. This will clean the office and open a space to write the letter clearly real.

Have your stuff. If you are writing a letter of apology, is very likely to feel bad about something you did or said in your relationship. It is useful to ignore the reactions of his wounded friend, the opinions of other friends, and the judgments of his inner critic and take a real look at what happened. Without justifying their behavior, look at what was happening to you at that time. What was provoked? As you own your problems from a place of acceptance that will heal. You can then tell your friend from a place of self-forgiveness and greatness rather than shame and necessity. Everyone makes mistakes - that's how we learn and grow.

Check your motivation. What is the purpose of your letter of apology? Is to release the guilt, apologize, make amends, to repair the friendship, or a little of everything? Release guilt and forgiveness are things we must do for ourselves, because no one can actually do for us. Be clear about what you hope to accomplish before writing the letter and wondered if this is the most appropriate way to achieve this goal. Put yourself in the shoes of your friends and reflect on what they need to hear from you.

Write from the heart and soul. If you write a letter of apology to his intellect can only come across as cold and insincere. You may end up justifying their behavior, instead of building a relationship with your friend. If you write only from their emotions, can be reactive or suffocation. If you communicate from the heart and soul, I write from a place of authenticity, honesty and clarity. You will be guided by your higher self to express its deepest truth. Take 10 or 15 minutes before writing to relax the mind, the emotions of the version, and the center within your spiritual self. Then let your heart lead the way as you type.

Once you have written the letter of apology, set your intention to be received in the best way and then let go of all expectations. This will create a space for something new to emerge.

Sorry Letter for Not Attending Friend's Wedding

Posted by parimalonline On Friday, March 22, 2013 2 comments

Dear kami,

First of all, heartiest congratulations to you and Alec for your marriage. I am really sorry that I was unable to attend the wedding as all the flights were booked due to the holiday season.

I know you must be really upset about this, but I tried my best to attend your wedding. You know how much I regret not being there for you on one of the most important and special days of your life. I am sure you must have looked very beautiful in your wedding dress.

I really regret not booking the tickets in advance as I completely forgot that it will be a busy period for the airlines. It's my fault and I want to apologize to you for the same. The next time I am in LA, we should catch up. I want to hear about all the details of the wedding. Hope you have forgiven your forgetful friend.


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How to Write an Acceptance Letters

Posted by parimalonline On 0 comments

Use an acceptance letter for accepting a job, event, resignation, gift, invitation, honor, and many other special situations.

Even if you have accepted verbally, it is smart to write an acceptance letter to formally accept the offer and to confirm the details.

Be gracious 
When accepting a job, promotion, appointment, public office, gift, etc.

Thank the person, business, organization, etc. when you begin your letter.

Briefly identify what it is that you are accepting. 
For example, “This is a wonderful opportunity for me, and I am happy to accept the position as associate director of sales.”

Thank those who have helped you, if you feel it is appropriate.
Restate the terms as you understand them if you are formally accepting a job position or similar assignment, including the starting date, job expectations, rate of compensation, health and dental benefits, sick and vacation days, etc.

Keep the tone of your letter positive if you are accepting a resignation. Do not say anything that might make you liable for legal action.

Thank the person for the invitation if you are accepting an invitation to a social event, and express your anticipation that the event will be a success. Clarify any details about the event, if needed, such as date or time, location, dress, etc.

Recheck for errors. 
For job offers and the like, the acceptance letter may become part of a company’s permanent file for you, so make sure that it is well-worded and free of embarrassing grammatical or other errors.

Close your letter by restating your appreciation for being offered the job, award, gift, etc.

Find new career advice, career planning tips and letter formats at www.bpeople.org

Sorry Letter to Girlfriend

Posted by parimalonline On 0 comments

Dear Jami

Words will never fully express how sorry I am, but I truly hope that it is a good start:

I’m sorry letter to girlfriend

I regret nothing more in life than what I have done to you. It was wrong, stupid and immature and you do not deserve any of the grief and anger I have caused you.

I can’t bear to see you unhappy because of my actions. When our relationship began, I promised {to myself} that I would make you happy. I failed. I failed both of us.

But I want to make amends. I truly do. You’re too important of a person to lose and I hate myself for realizing that now rather than earlier. I understand the gravity of the situation, and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Come on, Please call me and let's patch things up.

Love always,

Click Here To View Sample Break Up Letter to Girlfriend