Apology Love Letter Sample

Posted by parimalonline On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 0 comments
An Apology love letter is written when one finds it hard to apologize in person with a loved one. Often, in relationships minor disputes occur which might end up into unpleasant and stressful fights. If such differences are not solved out, the situation can go bad, leading the trust to break. It is generally very difficult to confess one’s mistake particularly when loved ones know with each other very well or maybe when both the persons are too annoyed to talk and listen.

Robert Dunne
12-16 Clerkenwell Road
London EC1M 5PQ

April 12, 2014


Kate Marshall
3 Jordan Street
M15 4PY
My Darling Kate

Subject: Apology for not spending enough time

I want to apologize for not spending enough time with you for past 2-3 weeks. I was really busy with my work at the office and so I was not able to meet you. I know you are upset but I really want you to know what exactly happened. The company got a huge order on urgent basis and we were given just 3 weeks to complete it. The boss insisted everybody for doing overtime. Honey, I’ve even skipped lunch many times due to the busy work schedule.

I know I messed up every time you called me on phone. I am sorry for being rude and not calling you back. I know, you are mad at me by this time and apologizing will not compensate but I want you to know that you mean world to me. I can never imagine my life without you. Please forgive me love.

I miss you and I am really sorry sweetheart. I promise, it would never ever happen again and if in case I’ll get stuck in office work, I’ll surely spare some free time for you. I hope you forgive me.

I love you.



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